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Case Studies

Part Bakeout FM01 FM02 FM04 (3).jpg


PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) is a European medium class spacecraft designed to investigate seismic activity in stars. Our involvement was in the thermal engineering of the Near Front End Electronics Unit (N-FEE). We joined the project around the PDR stage.

  • Thermal analysis of the N-FEE, including the delivery of detailed and reduced thermal models to the prime.

  • Assembly, integration, testing, and delivery of the EM and QM N-FEE models.

  • Thermal testing support for EM and QM thermal cycling and thermal balance, including the design and specification of the required mechanical and thermal ground support equipment.

  • The specification and execution of process qualification campaigns for several hardware processes involved with the unit.

  • Design and specification of the thermal ground support equipment for an optical calibration thermal vacuum chamber, including dedicated thermal control system designs for both the N-FEE and its CCD camera.

Euclid VIS

Euclid is a European spacecraft designed to investigate the presence of dark energy and dark matter. Our involvement was in the mechanical and thermal engineering of the VIS FPA readout electronics and power supply, as well as the system level role for the 5x subsystems in the VIS instrument, spread across the Euclid PLM and SVM. We joined the project around the CDR stage.

  • Assembly, integration, testing, and delivery of the EM, QM, FM, and FS readout electronics and power supply units.

  • Thermal testing support for QM, FM, and FS thermal cycling, including the design and specification of the required mechanical and thermal ground support equipment.

  • Mechanical testing support for FM and FS vibration testing, as well as QM vibration and shock testing.

  • Mechanical and thermal system engineering for the 5x VIS subsystems.

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